Prometheus Bound Loeb English Translation

Iratze Aceves /
  • Created on 2024-04-17 20:37:29
  • Modified on 2024-05-24 00:12:42
  • Aligned by Iratze Aceves
Χθονὸς - fem. gen, sg (noun) - Earth τήλουρον - fem, acc, sg (adj) - with distant boundaries ἥκομεν - 1p pl present act (verb) - we have come, be present πέδον - sg neut voc/acc (noun) ground, earth οἷμον - sg masc acc (noun) - way, road, path. (does not align well to the translation) ἄβροτον - sg neut voc (adj) holy, immortal, without men solitary ἐρημίαν - sg fem acc (noun) a solitude, desert, wilderness μέλειν - pres inf (verb) - to be an object of care ἐπιστολὰς - pl fem acc (noun) - anything sent by a messenger, message, order, commission ἐφεῖτο - 3p sg impf mp indic - to set on or incite to do τόνδε - this - pron sg masc acc indeclform πέτραις - pl fem dat (noun) - rocks ὑψηλοκρήμνοις - (adj) - with lofty cliffs τὸν λεωργὸν ὀχμάσαι (phrase) to bind him fast ἀδαμαντίνων - pl fem gen (adj) - adamantine, of steel ἀρρήκτοις - pl fem dat (adj) - unbroken, not to be broken, πέδαις - pl fem dat (noun) - fetter δεσμῶν - noun pl neut or mas gen (noun) - band, bond, anything for tying and fastening, ἄνθος - (phrase) Aesch., Thuc.; τὸ σὸν ἄνθος thy pride or honour, Aesch. παντέχνου - sg masc gen (adj) assistant of all arts πυρὸς - sg neut gen (noun) - fire σέλας - sg neut nom (noun) - light, brightness, flame ὤπασεν - verb 3rd sg aor ind act - make to follow, send with ὤπασεν - verb 3rd sg aor ind act - make to follow, send with θνητοῖσι - (verb)pl fem, masc, or neuter dat epic ionic aeolic - mortal ἁμαρτίας - (noun) - a failure, fault, sin, σφε -their, their own, belonging to them δεῖ - sg masc dat (noun) - god θεοῖς - sg masc dat (noun) - gods δοῦναι - verb aor inf act - sense, to give δίκην - sg fem acc attic epic ionic(noun) - the penalty awarded by the judge, κλέψας - (verb) part pl aor act masc dat - to steal, filch, purloin, διδαχθῇ - verb 3rd sg aor subj pass - instruct, teach τυραννίδα - sg fem acc (noun) - monarchy, sovereignty στέργειν - verb pres inf act - to love, feel affection - used loosely in this translation. παύεσθαι - verb pres inf mp - make to end δή - partic indeclform - exactnes τέλος - sg neut acc (noun) - coming to pass, performance, consummation τρόπου - noun sg masc gen - a turn, direction, course, way ἐντολὴ - noun sg fem nom - injunction, order, command, σφῷν - Various options: pron 2nd dual gen/dat attic indeclform- thou of you κοὐδὲν - sg neut acc pronoun -not one ἐμποδὼν - adv indeclform - before the feet, in the way, in one's path ἔτι -adv indeclform- yet, still ἄτολμός - adj sg fem/masc - nom not having the heart to do a thing εἰμι - verb 1st sg pres ind act - to go συγγενῆ - adj sg masc acc - a kinsman, relative, of the same kin, descent or family with another δῆσαι - verb aor inf act - to bind, tie, fetter φάραγγι - noun sg fem dat -a cleft or chasm in a mountain, a ravine, gully δυσχειμέρῳ - adj sg fem dat - suffering from hard winters, very wintry, freezing, τῶνδέ - pron pl neut/masc/fen gen - this βαρύ - adj sg neut acc - of persons, severe, stern ὀρθοβούλου - adj sg fem gen - right-counselling, wise, αἰπυμῆτα - noun sg masc gen- with high thoughts δυσλύτοις - dat pl neut or masc adj - indissoluble χαλκεύμασιν - dat neut pl - in/with bronze/copper instruments προσπασσαλεύσω - verb 1st sg aor subj act - nail fast to ἀπανθρώπῳ - adj sg masc dat - far from men ἅκων - nom sg mas noun - unwilling, reluctant ἅκοντά - masc, nom, acc noun - unwilling φωνὴν - noun sg fem acc -produce a sound μορφὴν - noun sg fem acc - shape, fashion, mould βροτῶν - noun pl masc gen - man
Ἑλληνική Transliterate
Aeschylus Prometheus Bound Loeb Classical Library
Χθονὸς μὲν εἰς τήλουρον ἥκομεν πέδον ,
Σκύθην ἐς οἷμον , ἄβροτον εἰς ἐρημίαν .
Ἥφαιστε , σοὶ δὲ χρὴ μέλειν ἐπιστολὰς
ἅς σοι πατὴρ ἐφεῖτο , τόνδε πρὸς πέτραις
5ὑψηλοκρήμνοις τὸν λεωργὸν ὀχμάσαι
ἀδαμαντίνων δεσμῶν ἐν ἀρρήκτοις πέδαις .
τὸ σὸν γὰρ ἄνθος , παντέχνου πυρὸς σέλας ,
θνητοῖσι κλέψας ὤπασεν · τοιᾶσδέ τοι
ἁμαρτίας σφε δεῖ θεοῖς δοῦναι δίκην ,
10ὡς ἂν διδαχθῇ τὴν Διὸς τυραννίδα
στέργειν , φιλανθρώπου δὲ παύεσθαι τρόπου .
Κράτος Βία τε , σφῷν μὲν ἐντολὴ Διὸς
ἔχει τέλος δή , κοὐδὲν ἐμποδὼν ἔτι .
ἐγὼ δ᾿ ἄτολμός εἰμι συγγενῆ θεὸν
15δῆσαι βίᾳ φάραγγι πρὸς δυσχειμέρῳ ·
πάντως δ᾿ ἀνάγκη τῶνδέ μοι τόλμαν σχεθεῖν ,
εὐωριάζειν γὰρ πατρὸς λόγους βαρύ .
τῆς ὀρθοβούλου Θέμιδος αἰπυμῆτα παῖ ,
ἅκοντά σ᾿ ἅκων δυσλύτοις χαλκεύμασιν
20προσπασσαλεύσω τῷδ᾿ ἀπανθρώπῳ πάγῳ ,
ἵν᾿ οὔτε φωνὴν οὔτε του μορφὴν βροτῶν
2ἄβροτον ( or ἄδροτον ) t : ἄβατον codd . t .
6ἀδαμαντίνων δεσμῶν ἐν t : ἀδαμαντίναις ( -οις , -ῃς ) πέδησιν ( -αις or -αισιν I , -οις ) ἐν ( om . ) codd .
6πέδαις t : πέτραις codd .
17εὐωριάζειν Porson : ἐξωριάζειν codd .

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( 100 ) 50% GRC - ENG

( 157 ) 64% GRC - ENG
( 89 ) 36% ENG