Eneados Book I Chapter i Part 3 (line)
Megan Bushnell / Eneados
- Created on 2025-03-12 00:46:57
- Translated by Gavin Douglas
- Aligned by Megan Bushnell
Aeneid I.12-33 / Eneados I.i.19-61
Older Scots
12 Vrbs antiqua fuit : tyrii tenuere coloni :
13 Carthago : italiam contra : tyberinaque longe
14 Ostia , dives opum studiisque asperrima belli :
15 Quam iuno fertur terris magis omnibus vnam
16 Posthabita coluisse samo : hic illius arma :
17 Hic currus fuit : hoc regnum dea gentibus esse
18 Siqua fata sinant : iam tum tenditque fouetque :
19 Progeniem sed enim troiano a sanguine duci
20 Audierat : tyrias olim quae verteret arces :
21 Hinc populum late regem : belloque superbum
22 Venturum excidio libyae : sic voluere parcas
23 Id metuens : veterisque memor saturnia belli
24 Prima quod ad troiam pro charis gesserat argis :
25 ( Necdum etiam causae irarum saeuique dolores
26 Exciderant animo : manet alta mente repostum
27 Iudicium paridis : spretaeque iniuria formae ,
28 Et genus inuisum : et rapti ganymedis honores . )
29 His accensa super : iactatos aequore toto
30 Troas relliquias danaum : atque immitis achilli
31 Arcebat longe latio : multosque per annos
32 Errabant acti fatis maria omnia circum .
33 Tantae molis erat romanam condere gentem .
13 Carthago : italiam contra : tyberinaque longe
14 Ostia , dives opum studiisque asperrima belli :
15 Quam iuno fertur terris magis omnibus vnam
16 Posthabita coluisse samo : hic illius arma :
17 Hic currus fuit : hoc regnum dea gentibus esse
18 Siqua fata sinant : iam tum tenditque fouetque :
19 Progeniem sed enim troiano a sanguine duci
20 Audierat : tyrias olim quae verteret arces :
21 Hinc populum late regem : belloque superbum
22 Venturum excidio libyae : sic voluere parcas
23 Id metuens : veterisque memor saturnia belli
24 Prima quod ad troiam pro charis gesserat argis :
25 ( Necdum etiam causae irarum saeuique dolores
26 Exciderant animo : manet alta mente repostum
27 Iudicium paridis : spretaeque iniuria formae ,
28 Et genus inuisum : et rapti ganymedis honores . )
29 His accensa super : iactatos aequore toto
30 Troas relliquias danaum : atque immitis achilli
31 Arcebat longe latio : multosque per annos
32 Errabant acti fatis maria omnia circum .
33 Tantae molis erat romanam condere gentem .
20 Quham hynys of Tyre held intill heritage ,
21 Ennymy to Itail , standand fair and plane
22 The mouth of lang Tibir our forgane ,
23 Myghty of moblys , full of sculys seyr ,
24 And maist expert in crafty fait of weir ,
25 Of quhilk a land Iuno , as it is said ,
26 As to hir special abuf al otheris maid ;
27 Hir native land for it postponyt sche
28 Callit Same – in Cartage sett hir see ;
29 Thar war hir armys and here stude eik hir chair .
30 This goddes ettillit , gif werdis war nocht contrar ,
31 This realme to be superior and mastress
32 To all landis , bot certis netheless
33 The fatale sisteris reuolue and schaw , scho kend ,
34 Of Troiane blude a pepill suld discend ,
35 Wailliant in weir , to ryng wydquhar , and syne
36 Cartage suld bryng ontill finale rewyne ,
37 And clene distroy the realme of Lybia .
38 This dredand Iuno , and forthirmor alswa
39 Remembring on the ancyant mortell weir
40 That for the Grekis , to hir leif and deir ,
41 At Troy lang tyme scho led befor that day
42 ( For ȝit the causys of wreth war nocht away
43 Nor cruell harm forȝet ne out of mynd –
44 Ful deip engravyn in hir breist onkynd
45 The iugement of Parys , quhou that he
46 Preferrit Venus , dispisyng hir bewte ;
47 Als Troiane blude till hir was odyus ,
48 For Iupiter engenderit Dardanus
49 Fra quham the Troianys cam in adultry ,
50 And Ganymedes revist abuf the sky ,
51 Maid him his butler , quhilk was hir douchteris office ) ,
52 Iuno inflambit , musyng on thir casis nyce
53 The quhile our sey that salit the Troianys
54 Quhilkis had the ded eschapit and remanys
55 Onslane of Grekis or of the ferss Achill ,
56 Scho thame fordryvis and causys oft ga will
57 Frawart Latium , quhilk now is Italy ,
58 By fremmyt werd ful mony ȝeris tharby
59 Catchit and blaw wydquhar all seys about .
60 Lo quhou gret cure , quhat travell , pane and dowt
61 Was to begyn the worthy Romanys blude !
20 Quham hynys of Tyre held intill heritage ,
21 Ennymy to Itail , standand fair and plane
22 The mouth of lang Tibir our forgane ,
23 Myghty of moblys , full of sculys seyr ,
24 And maist expert in crafty fait of weir ,
25 Of quhilk a land Iuno , as it is said ,
26 As to hir special abuf al otheris maid ;
27 Hir native land for it postponyt sche
28 Callit Same – in Cartage sett hir see ;
29 Thar war hir armys and here stude eik hir chair .
30 This goddes ettillit , gif werdis war nocht contrar ,
31 This realme to be superior and mastress
32 To all landis , bot certis netheless
33 The fatale sisteris reuolue and schaw , scho kend ,
34 Of Troiane blude a pepill suld discend ,
35 Wailliant in weir , to ryng wydquhar , and syne
36 Cartage suld bryng ontill finale rewyne ,
37 And clene distroy the realme of Lybia .
38 This dredand Iuno , and forthirmor alswa
39 Remembring on the ancyant mortell weir
40 That for the Grekis , to hir leif and deir ,
41 At Troy lang tyme scho led befor that day
42 ( For ȝit the causys of wreth war nocht away
43 Nor cruell harm forȝet ne out of mynd –
44 Ful deip engravyn in hir breist onkynd
45 The iugement of Parys , quhou that he
46 Preferrit Venus , dispisyng hir bewte ;
47 Als Troiane blude till hir was odyus ,
48 For Iupiter engenderit Dardanus
49 Fra quham the Troianys cam in adultry ,
50 And Ganymedes revist abuf the sky ,
51 Maid him his butler , quhilk was hir douchteris office ) ,
52 Iuno inflambit , musyng on thir casis nyce
53 The quhile our sey that salit the Troianys
54 Quhilkis had the ded eschapit and remanys
55 Onslane of Grekis or of the ferss Achill ,
56 Scho thame fordryvis and causys oft ga will
57 Frawart Latium , quhilk now is Italy ,
58 By fremmyt werd ful mony ȝeris tharby
59 Catchit and blaw wydquhar all seys about .
60 Lo quhou gret cure , quhat travell , pane and dowt
61 Was to begyn the worthy Romanys blude !