Eneados Book I Chapter i Part 4 (word)
Megan Bushnell / Eneados
- Created on 2025-03-12 00:06:55
- Modified on 2025-03-12 00:31:55
- Translated by Gavin Douglas
- Aligned by Megan Bushnell
Aeneid I.34-49 / Eneados I.i.62-86
Older Scots
34 Vix e conspectu siculae telluris in altum
35 Vela dabant laeti : et spumas salis aere ruebant
36 Cum iuno aeternum seruans sub pectore vulnus
37 Haec secum . me ne incepto desistere victam :
38 Nec posse italia teucrorum auertere regem
39 Quippe vetor fatis : pallas ne exurere classem
40 Argiuum . ' atque ipsos potuit submergere ponto
41 Vnius ob noxam . ' et furias aiacis oili . '
42 Ipsa iouis rapidum iaculata e nubibus ignem :
43 Disiecitque rates : evertitque aequora ventis .
44 Illum expirantem transfixo pectore flammas
45 Turbine corripuit : scopuloque infixit acuto .
46 Ast ego , quae diuum incedo regina : iouisque
47 Et soror et coniunx vna cum gente tot annos
48 Bella gero : et quisquam numen iunonis adorat
49 Praeterea : aut supplex aris imponit honorem . '
35 Vela dabant laeti : et spumas salis aere ruebant
36 Cum iuno aeternum seruans sub pectore vulnus
37 Haec secum . me ne incepto desistere victam :
38 Nec posse italia teucrorum auertere regem
39 Quippe vetor fatis : pallas ne exurere classem
40 Argiuum . ' atque ipsos potuit submergere ponto
41 Vnius ob noxam . ' et furias aiacis oili . '
42 Ipsa iouis rapidum iaculata e nubibus ignem :
43 Disiecitque rates : evertitque aequora ventis .
44 Illum expirantem transfixo pectore flammas
45 Turbine corripuit : scopuloque infixit acuto .
46 Ast ego , quae diuum incedo regina : iouisque
47 Et soror et coniunx vna cum gente tot annos
48 Bella gero : et quisquam numen iunonis adorat
49 Praeterea : aut supplex aris imponit honorem . '
63 Skarss from the sycht of Sysilly the land ,
64 With bent sail full , rycht merely saland ,
65 Thar stevynnys scowrand fast throu the salt fame ,
66 Quhen that Iuno , till hir euerlestand schame ,
67 The etern wound hyd in hir breist ay greyn ,
68 Ontill hir self thus spak in propir teyn :
69 " Is this ganand that I my purposs faill
70 As clene ourcum , and may nocht from Itaill
71 Withhald this kyng of Troy and hys navy ?
72 Am I abandonyt with sa hard destany
73 Sen Pallas mocht on Grekis tak sik wraik
74 To byrn thar schippis and all for anys saik
75 Drowne in the sey , for Aiax Oilus wrang ?
76 From Iupiter the wild fyre down scho slang
77 Furth of the clowdis , distroyt thar schippis all ,
78 Ourquhelmyt the sey with mony wyndy wall ,
79 Aiax breist persit , gaspand furth flawmand smoke ,
80 Sche with a thud stikkit on a scharp roke .
81 Bot I , the quhilk am clepit of goddis queyn
82 And onto Iove baith spouss and sistir scheyn ,
83 With a pepill sa feill ȝheris weir sall lede ,
84 Quha sal from thens adorn in ony stede
85 The power of Iuno , or altaris sacryfy ,
86 Gif I ourcummyn be thus schamefully ? "
63 Skarss from the sycht of Sysilly the land ,
64 With bent sail full , rycht merely saland ,
65 Thar stevynnys scowrand fast throu the salt fame ,
66 Quhen that Iuno , till hir euerlestand schame ,
67 The etern wound hyd in hir breist ay greyn ,
68 Ontill hir self thus spak in propir teyn :
69 " Is this ganand that I my purposs faill
70 As clene ourcum , and may nocht from Itaill
71 Withhald this kyng of Troy and hys navy ?
72 Am I abandonyt with sa hard destany
73 Sen Pallas mocht on Grekis tak sik wraik
74 To byrn thar schippis and all for anys saik
75 Drowne in the sey , for Aiax Oilus wrang ?
76 From Iupiter the wild fyre down scho slang
77 Furth of the clowdis , distroyt thar schippis all ,
78 Ourquhelmyt the sey with mony wyndy wall ,
79 Aiax breist persit , gaspand furth flawmand smoke ,
80 Sche with a thud stikkit on a scharp roke .
81 Bot I , the quhilk am clepit of goddis queyn
82 And onto Iove baith spouss and sistir scheyn ,
83 With a pepill sa feill ȝheris weir sall lede ,
84 Quha sal from thens adorn in ony stede
85 The power of Iuno , or altaris sacryfy ,
86 Gif I ourcummyn be thus schamefully ? "