The Voyage of Saint Brendan the Abbot 1.1-1.6

Adrianna G /
  • Created on 2024-11-12 21:36:40
  • Modified on 2024-11-17 23:47:47
  • Translated by Translation by Simon Webb and Denis O’Donoghue
  • Aligned by Adrianna G
Sānctus Brendānus , fīlius Finlocha nepōtis Altī , genere Eogēnī , stāgnī Lēn regiōnis Mumenensium ortus fuit . Erat vir magnae abstinentiae et in virtūtibus clārus , trium mīlium ferē monachōrum pater . Cum esset in suō certāmine , in locō quī dīcitur Saltus Virtūtum Brendānī , contigit ut quīdam patrum ad illum quōdam vespere vēnisset , nōmine Barrindus , nepōs Neil . Cumque interrogātus esset multīs sermōnibus ā praedictō sānctō patre , coepit lacrimāre et prostrāre in terram et diūtius permanēre in ōrātiōne . Sānctus Brendānus ērēxit illum terrā et ōsculātus est eum , dīcēns : " Pater , cūr trīstitiam habēmus in adventū tuō ? Nōnne ad cōnsōlātiōnem nostram vēnistī ? Magis laetitiam dēbēs frātribus praeparāre . Indicā nōbīs verbum Deī , atque refice animās nostrās dīversīs mīrāculīs quae vīdistī in ōceanō . " Tunc Sānctus Barrindus , explētīs sermōnibus sānctī Brendānī , coepit nārrāre quādam īnsulā , dīcēns :
Saint Brendan , son of Finnlug Ua Alta , was born in the marshy district of Munster . He became famous because of his great abstinence and his many other virtues , and he was an abbot ; father to nearly three thousand monks . While he was fighting his spiritual war , at a place called Ardfert-Brendan , he was visited one evening by a priest called Barinthus , who was a relative of King Niall . When Brendan asked Barinthus questions , his visitor couldn’t talk properly : all he could do was weep , and stretch himself out on the ground , and pray . Brendan pulled him up , hugged him , and said , ‘Father , why are you so upset ? Surely you have visited us to bring us comfort ! You’re upsetting the other monks ! In God’s name , tell us what you know , and refresh our souls with stories of your adventures at sea !
And so Barinthus told them about a certain island .
St Brendan , son of Finnlug Ua Alta , of the race of Eoghan , was born in the marshy district of Munster . He was famed for his great abstinence and his many virtues , and was the patriarch of nearly three thousand monks . While he was in his spiritual warfare , at a place called Ardfert Brendan there came to him one evening , a certain father , named Barinthus , of the race of King Niall , who , when questioned by St Brendan , in frequent converse , could only weep , and cast himself prostrate , and continue the longer in prayer ; but Brendan raising him up , embraced him , saying : ‘Father , why should we be thus grieved on the occasion of your visit ? Have you not come to give us comfort ? You ought , indeed , make better cheer for the brethren . In God’s name , make known to us the divine secrets , and refresh our souls by recounting to us the various wonders you have seen upon the great ocean . Then Barinthus , in reply , proceeds to tell of a certain island : . . .

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