Apuleius Metamporphoses: 4.35.1

Gabriel Robinson /
  • Created on 2021-11-17 04:06:55
  • Modified on 2021-11-17 23:36:27
  • Translated by A. S. Kline vs William Adlington
  • Aligned by Gabriel Robinson
With this , the girl fell silent , and went steadfastly on , accompanied by the throng of citizens around her . They came to the steep mountain crag decreed , and placed the girl , as commanded , on its very top , then deserted her , one and all . They left behind the bridal torches , lighted on the way , and now extinguished by their tears , and heads bent low began their journey home , where her unhappy parents , exhausted by this dreadful blow , shut themselves in the darkness of their room , and resigned themselves to endless night .
Sic profata virgo conticuit ingressuque iam valido pompae populi prosequentis sese miscuit . Itur ad constitutum scopulum montis ardui , cuius in summo cacumine statutam puellam cuncti deserunt , taedasque nuptiales , quibus praeluxerant , ibidem lacrimis suis extinctas relinquentes deiectis capitibus domuitionem parant , et miseri quidem parentes eius tanta clade defessi clausae domus abstrusi tenebris , perpetuae nocti sese dediderunt .
Thus ended she her words , and thrust her selfe among the people that followed . Then they brought her to the appointed rocke of the high hill , and set [ her ] hereon , and so departed . The Torches and lights were put out with the teares of the people , and every man gone home , the miserable Parents well nigh consumed with sorrow , gave themselves to everlasting darknes .

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